Being a part of Hamazo

Self Introduction My first impression being in Hamatsu Why I decided to do Internship in Hamazo What I liked the most in Hamazo

Mt. Fuji

Japan’s Mt. Fuji is an active volcano about 100 kilometers southwest of Tokyo. Commonly called “Fuji-san,” it’s the c...

Presentation day

Today, we did presentations about ourselves and introduced our countries. The IT event was hold in Hamatsu w...

The crown melon Japan

Crown labels are only given to melons with a sugar content, ripeness, and shape that have met strict quality standard...

Hamamatsu Flower Park

Hamamatsu Flower Park is a botanical garden on the edge of Lake Hamana. The park is about 30,000 square meters, and h...

Happy life with happy tomato

In fact that, over 7,000 working-age Japanese people, and showed that in addition to this concerning figure, 40 per...

My first impression

Being in Japan for 4 years, I have traveled many cities and tried different kinds of Japanese traditional food. T...